Patent Pending: US-20240261696-A1

CONSTRUKTS® smart blocks support a wide variety of constructions. Constructions are rendered as 3D virtual models that update in real-time when physical blocks are added or removed. The CONSTRUKTS® Knowledge Engine analyzes the model for structural features that can be used for STEM learning opportunities. Features of the model can be selected from the entire construction, individual blocks, and block components to support learning through play.
CONSTRUKTS® leverages learner’s creative curiosity to understand complex subjects with a learning framework that includes building, sense-making, and synthesis. Learners explore physical properties of models they build from a variety of smart blocks. Learners engage the academic skills they learn in school to understand the structural and computational properties in their constructions. Learners synthesize and integrate ideas and newly garnered insights into the world of their imagination.
I am a huge believer in a constructivist approach. That students need to construct to understand. Why are formulas what they are? Why area length times width? Students should have to build it and see it and experience it so that the formula for the algorithm makes sense. They can’t do that with current EdTech applications.
-Lisa Bodenheimer, Principal, Wiley Middle-School, Winston-Salem, NC.
-Lisa Bodenheimer, Principal, Wiley Middle-School, Winston-Salem, NC.
There is now convincing evidence that spatial thinking abilities are important predictors of career success and that spatial skills can be enhanced with training. CONSTRUKTS® is a very promising game platform for training these skills.
-Dr. Mary Hagarty, Professor Psychological and Brain Sciences, UC Santa Barbara
-Dr. Mary Hagarty, Professor Psychological and Brain Sciences, UC Santa Barbara
CONSTRUKTS® can offer us real-time data driven methods to rehabilitate patients with traumatic brain injury. The method used to test spatial thinking skills remains to be the WAIS Block Test. CONSTRUKTS® would be a game changer with its ability to map a person’s motor skills to their problem-solving process.
- Dr. Jordan Grafman, Director, Brain Injury Research, Northwestern University
- Dr. Jordan Grafman, Director, Brain Injury Research, Northwestern University
- Press Release: CONSTRUKTS Inc. Awarded Competitive Grant From the National Science Foundation
- CONSTRUKTS® receives grant from the National Science Foundation Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Phase 1 program titled Hands-on Learning Platform for Middle School Mathematics.
- CONSTRUKTS® was a finalist in the Grace Hopper Celebration PitcHER competition and receives honorary prize.
- CONSTRUKTS® participated in demo showcase at the Wolfram Research Conference in Champaign, Illinois.
- Top 10 Internet of Things Companies Disrupting Education, Disruptor Daily Blog,
- CONSTRUKTS, Inc. is a runner up for the Microsoft HoloLens for academic research competition. The award included technology donations and training at the Microsoft Redmond, Washington campus.
- CONSTRUKTS® recieves a grant from the National Science Foundation Cybermanufacturing program titled Cyber-Physical Design-Build Toolkit for Intelligent Information Processing and Flow from Product Copnception to Production in Advanced Manufacturing.
- CONSTRUKTS® completes the Highway1 Hardware Startup Incubator program in San Francisco that included a two week tour of consumer electronics manufacturing in Shenzhen, China.
- Pamela L Jennings, PhD recieves a grant from the National Science Foundation Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Phase 1 program titled SquireWire 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Network Solution.
CONSTRUKTS, Inc. is a consumer electronics company that develops connected mixed-reality technologies to help learners strengthen their spatial thinking skills while creatively exploring STEM concepts. We aim to transform IoT and XR speculative research into engaging products. CONSTRUKTS, Inc. focuses on learning and creativity as vehicles to develop, innovate, and challenge how advanced technologies are conceived, aligned, and integrated to empower people with tools that help to level the playing field for greater inclusion and diversity of people who will design our future. CONSTRUKTS, Inc. is a Delaware Corporation.